Jessica Uraneck Photography

Two years after my grandmother passed away, my family put together an album of her Christmas cards. It was a COVID Christmas that year – there was a parking lot meetup of aunts and uncles to swap gifts, and a copy of the album arrived on our doorstep. After my household was asleep, I put another log in the woodstove, wrapped up in a blanket, and opened the cover.

The first photo card she sent was in 1938, her last in 2018. Each card in between offers a glimpse of the year. I watched my aunts and uncles appear on the pages, first as babies in knit hats, then toddlers in farm flannel, white dresses, and patent leather shoes. There is a formal family portrait from 1961 where everyone is dressed sharp, my grandfather in his navy uniform. There are graduations, trips, weddings, grandchildren…Then, the first card without my grandfather. Each image is a flash of time. I can hear my grandmother’s laugh, feel her sturdy hug, smell her cooking. All from a photo.

There were many moments of reflection that led me to pursue photography professionally, but this one set things in motion. That album is a treasure, a source of comfort and connection, and a gift to future generations.

I am grateful to have the ability to help families create the kind of images that will one day find a spot in albums, best enjoyed while wrapped up in a blanket, with a fresh log on the fire.

Let’s preserve some memories for your family.



Makers on Main 2024 Dates & Locations:
May 4: 135 Main St
June 1: 115 Main St, Visit Freeport
September 7: 135 Main St


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